At least seven cases of the coronavirus have been identified among the 193 passengers and crew on a TUI flight from the Greek island of Zakynthos to Cardiff, Wales on August 25.
All of the passengers who were diagnosed with the virus were from different traveling parties, leading authorities to believe that testing will show that there were even more people carrying the virus on the flight.
Welsh health officials have told all the passengers on that flight to self isolate, and to get a coronavirus test if any symptoms appear. Self isolation is absolutely essential, however, as people infected with the virus may easily pass it to others even if they do not have any symptoms.
Health officials are placing responsibility for the spread of the virus on the flight to a group of passengers in the 20-30 age group who ignored social distancing rules.
According to the BBC, a passenger on the flight stated that very few people were wearing their masks correctly, and that some passengers were moving up and down the aisles without wearing masks at all. She expressed shock that the flight crew did not intervene in these instances.
TUI claims that all Covid-related protocols were indeed followed on the flight. Facemasks are mandatory on all TUI flights.
As of Sunday, the island of Zakynthos had two new confirmed cases of the virus.
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