General Konstantinos Floros, the chief of the General Staff of Greece’s National Defense (GEETHA) addressed the nation on the occasion of OXI Day on Wednesday.
“The unanimous, solemn decision to fight to the end to repel the unjust and infamous enemy attack, showed the unique greatness of soul and moral superiority of a ruthless, dignified and proud people,” the General said in his announcement.
“A people”, the General continues, “fully aware of his debt to history and the universal values, which their ancestors generously gave to most of the planet. In the face of the armored and numerically superior Italian troops, the generation of the 1940s showed all the strength of the Greek soul.”
“It crushed the arrogance of the fascist invader, forcing him to a complete collapse and decisively influencing the outcome of World War II, after forcing Nazi Germany to reconsider its strategic plans,” General Floros continued.
“Do not forget,” he stated, “the glorious epic written by our grandparents… it is the lighthouse that illuminates our path and the great beacon that guides our steps,” the head of GEETHA added.
“They showed us how the debt to the homeland is repaid, and they showed us how to gain freedom and national dignity in the face of those who scheme for our national rights, looking for a living space, because supposedly they no longer fit in theirs.”
Our response to them is the same, unwaveringly, at all times, General Floros continued. “It comes thunderous from the depths of the centuries, passes through the plain of Marathon, through the straits of Thermopylae, Salamina and Kleisoura and reaches to this day: “NO”; to every intrigue, to every threat of extortion, to every insult to our homeland and our national rights.”
Referring to the officers of the Armed Forces, the Chief of General Staff expressed his admiration and unlimited confidence for the “determination, self-denial and courage” that they show every day, which he stated “fill him with pride.”
“Greek society sees, listens, recognizes”, he continued, “and understands your anguish, feels your trouble, recognizes in your faces the worthy guardians of land, sea and air.”
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