The Archbishop of Greece Ieronymos sent his sorrowful condolences to the people of Samos on Friday after the earthquake which took the lives of two of its teenagers and caused widespread damage.
“I express my deepest sorrow for the unfortunate loss of the two students from the catastrophic earthquake that struck our remote Samos. I wish and pray to God to rest their souls and give comfort and strength to their loved ones.
“I’m deeply shocked,” he added. “May there be no more loss of human lives and may the great ordeal of our fellow human beings end as soon as possible”, the Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece added in his statement to the Athenian-Macedonian News Agency.
The Archbishop is now helping the people of Samos and has already contacted the Metropolitan of the island, Eusebius, by phone to express his full support. Ieronymos also made available to the Holy Metropolis of Samos and the State all the assets of the Mission, part of the charitable and social organization of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens.
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