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Εκτός Ευρώπης, εντός covid η Βρετανία

Το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο βγαίνει τα μεσάνυχτα της Πέμπτης 31 Δεκεμβρίου από την τροχιά της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, γυρίζοντας την πλάτη σε μια θυελλώδη 48χρονη σχέση με το ευρωπαϊκό σχέδιο για να στραφεί προς το αβέβαιο μέλλον του Brexit, που θα διαμορφώσει τις τύχες του λαού του για τις επόμενες γενιές. Και ενώ η χώρα δοκιμάζεται σκληρά από τον covid, μετρώντας περισσότερους από 73.000 νεκρούς από την αρχή της πανδημίας και χιλιάδες κρούσματα καθημερινά, βγαίνει και τυπικά από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Πρόκειται για την πρώτη έξοδο κράτους από την υλοποίηση της αρχικής ιδέας για μία κοινή αγορά το 1957 και την πρώτη Συνθήκη της Ρώμης. Ουσιαστικά το Brexit θα λάβει χώρα όταν χτυπήσουν μεσάνυχτα στις Βρυξέλλες, στις 23:00 ώρα Λονδίνου (01:00 της Πρωτοχρονιάς, ώρα Ελλάδας), όταν το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο θα αποχωρήσει από την ντε φάκτο συμμετοχή του στην ΕΕ, η οποία συνεχίσθηκε αφού εγκατέλειψε επισήμως την ένωση στις 31 Ιανουαρίου. ...

ΣΟΚ: Αυτή είναι η γυναίκα που βρέθηκε νεκρή μέσα σε βαλίτσα στο δάσος των Βιλίων

Σε μία 38χρονη Κινέζα ανήκει το πτώμα που βρέθηκε διπλωμένο μέσα σε βαλίτσα στο δάσος των Βιλίων. Πρόκειται για την Qiu Yun Lin η οποία εξαφανίστηκε στις 17 Οκτωβρίου από την περιοχή του Μεταξουργείου. Το πτώμα της άτυχης γυναίκας εντοπίστηκε από κυνηγούς το βράδυ της Τρίτης και οι αστυνομικοί του Ανθρωποκτονιών κατάφεραν να την ταυτοποιήσουν από τα αποτυπώματά της. Σημειώνεται πως το Χαμόγελο του Παιδιού είχε ενημερωθεί για την εξαφάνιση της γυναίκας και ανήρτησε Missing Alert καθώς οι οικείοι της υποστήριξαν ότι συντρέχουν λόγοι που θέτουν σε κίνδυνο τη ζωή της. Την ημέρα της εξαφάνισης φορούσε μαύρα παπούτσια, τζιν παντελόνι, μαύρο μπουφαν και καφέ τσάντα. Είχε ύψος 1.55 και κανονικό βάρος. ...



Pierre Cardin and His Greek Collection: The Legendary Olympic Airways Uniforms

Aviation-inspired uniforms by Pierre Cardin. Credit: Olympic Airways archives Pierre Cardin, who passed away on Tuesday, was the designer of the Olympic Airways flight attendant uniforms in the glory days of the airline. The French-Italian fashion designer’s revolutionary styles of the 1960s and the 1970s were a crucial part of the youth explosion of the era, worn by the likes of the Beatles and other international celebrities in the swinging sixties. Impressed by the modern, stylish clothes of the designer, Greek shipping mogul Aristotle Onassis decided to hire Cardin to design the uniforms for the flight attendants. Two visionaries join forces Onassis had bought the financially ailing TAE Greek National Airlines from the Greek state in 1957 and renamed it Olympic Airways. His vision was to make the airline one of the most modern in the world. Under Onassis’ leadership the airline gained a reputation for lavish style. The cabin crews wore Pierre Cardin-designed uniforms and ...

Cyprus Passport Scheme Report Cites Lax Oversight

File photo A Cyprus passport scheme which involved officials selling passports to convicted felons was uncovered this past summer in a sting operation by journalists. A new report on the scheme, written by a committee tasked with discovering who told what to whom, has revealed that lax oversight into the process led to illegal actions on the part of several officials. An Associated Press article on Wednesday said that the report stated Cypriot authorities should consider stripping citizenship from twelve officials due to their involvement in acts of theft and fraud as part of the scheme. Forty-two foreign nationals should also have their passports taken away, according to the report. The passports to the island nation, long known as a haven for money launderers, were issued in exchange for investments totaling 3.2 million euros. Caught on videotape Cypriot legislators had been shown on videotape assuring an undercover journalist that a criminal associate would...

Innovation Hub to Be Created on Former Industrial Site in Greece

The plans for the innovation hub. Credit: Greek Government An innovation hub for Greece may be in the works for an abandoned industrial site in Piraeus visited by Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Wednesday. Deputy Minister of Development and Investments Christos Dimas and Minister for Development and Investments Adonis Georgiadis gave Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis a tour around the expansive site, which covers 17,900 square meters (192,674 sqare feet). The site, which sat unused for decades, will house research centers and startups after its transformation, made possible through a Public and private-Sector Partnership. A plan released by the Greek Ministry of Development involves a massive investment of 100 million euros into the site, one that will help create around 2,000 new jobs. Plans for the transformation of the lot, once home to an industrial plant that manufactured synthetic dyes and pharmaceuticals, were drafted in under one-and-a-half years. PM ...

Covid-19: 942 Cases, 58 Deaths in Greece Wednesday

Credit: Greek Reporter A total of 942 Covid-19 cases were diagnosed in Greece on Wednesday, which is 105 fewer than the 1,047 cases that had been recorded in the country just one day earlier, on Tuesday. Tragically, 58 people with the virus passed away in the country over the past 24 hour period, which is the same figure as yesterday. Currently, 443 patients with Covid-19 are intubated in Greece, 14 fewer than those who were intubated in the country on Tuesday. A large portion of Wednesday’s cases were diagnosed in the areas surrounding Greece’s two largest urban centers — Athens and Thessaloniki. In Attica, home to the capital city of Athens, there were 341 cases. In the center of Athens, 90 new coronavirus cases were diagnosed. A total of 170 new cases were recorded in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city. In total, 137,918 cases of Covid-19 have been recorded in the country since the beginning of the pandemic, including all those who have recovered from the...

Greek Metropolitan Investigated for Vaccine Comments

  Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera, Greece. File Photo A Greek metropolitan for the diocese of Kythera made comments last Sunday in church that have spurred an investigation by the local prosecutor in Piraeus. Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythera had spoken out to his congregation last week on the subject of the coronavirus vaccine, saying that it was prepared using parts of aborted human fetuses. The prelate found himself in hot water after telling his parishioners during Vespers on Sunday that they should not receive the vaccine, saying that he had heard from Orthodox acquaintances in Italy that the vaccine was made from the products of abortions. There were “dozens” of worshippers at the service, according to local reports. He was reported as saying  “The new vaccines that are being released are made and prepared with the product of abortions.” He added that religious figures in Italy had also discussed the issue and had told him that they were also worried a...

Turkey Provokes Greece by Demanding Change in Border Treaty

Greek-Turkish borders at Evros. File photo Turkey provoked Greece yet again by calling on Monday for a renegotiation of the Lausanne Treaty of 1923, which set out the modern borders between the two countries. The Turkish demand, which was nixed by Greece on Tuesday, was made in the context of exploratory contacts between Ankara and Athens which could start early next year. Turkish Energy Minister Fatih Donmez included the issue of changing the Lausanne Treaty, again, as one of the bilateral issues to be addressed. “With the First World War and the wars that followed, there were some conditions that are not clear and perhaps these laid the foundations of today’s discussions. “One of them is Lausanne. But 100 years have passed; I believe that we can sit down to discuss them, to negotiate,” he stated on Monday. Greece responds Asked to comment on Donmez’s move, Greek government spokesman Stelios Petsas said that “there is a framework, it is clear and it is that of exp...

Τσαβούσογλου: Δείξαμε σε όλους τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο

Intime Προκλητικός και πάλι ο Τσαβούσογλου για το Oruc Reis στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο. Ο Μεβλούτ Τσαβούσογλου στην ομιλία του για τον απολογισμό του 2020 αναφέρθηκε και στις εξελίξεις σχετικά με τις ελληνοτουρκικές σχέσεις λέγοντας: «Στην ανατολική Μεσόγειο, υψώσαμε τη σημαία μας με το Oruc Reis , το Μπαρμπαρός και το Γιαβούζ και δείξαμε πως δίχως εμάς δεν μπορεί να συμβεί κάτι στην περιοχή. Το δείξαμε αυτό όχι μόνο στις παράκτιες χώρες αλλά και σε όλες τις χώρες της Ευρώπης και σε όλο τον κόσμο. Και δείξαμε σε εχθρούς και φίλους το τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε. Στην Κύπρο θέλουμε λύση. Όχι όμως μια ομοσπονδία, αλλά λύση με δυο κυρίαρχα κράτη». Όσον αφορά στις σχέσεις Τουρκίας-ΕΕ τόνισε: «Ήταν μια σχέση γεμάτη με ένταση λόγω της Ελλάδας, των Ελληνοκυπρίων και της Γαλλίας που επέμεναν να θέτουν τις διαφορές τους με τη χώρα μας. Στην τελευταία Σύνοδο υπάρχουν σημεία που δεν μας ικανοποιούν, όμως φαίνεται πως επικράτησε κοινή λογική. Είμαστε κομμάτι της Ευρώπης...

Ετοιμάζουν πρωτοχρονιάτικο party με rapid test στην Εκάλη

Pexels Ανάλογο Party με rapid test είχε γίνει και στο Ρεβεγιόν των Χριστουγέννων Σύμφωνα με ρεπορτάζ του Star που προβλήθηκε στο χθεσινό κεντρικό δελτίο ειδήσεων, φιλοξενήθηκαν μαρτυρίες για party που πρόκειται να οργανωθεί την Πρωτοχρονιά στην Εκάλη με τη μέθοδο του rapid test. Ανάλογο μάλιστα party είχε πραγματοποιηθεί και τα Χριστούγεννα. Μάλιστα σύμφωνα με δηλώσεις ενός νεαρού, ο οποίος είχε δεχθεί πρόσκληση για το party που έγινε την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα, το σπίτι που οργανώνει το ρεβεγιόν διαθέτει μεγάλο χώρο στο υπόγειο και περιλαμβάνει μουσική, ποτά και φυσικά πολλούς καλεσμένους. Οι διοργανωτές θα κάνουν ακόμα και rapid test σε όσους πάνε, οι οποίοι θα φτάσουν πριν τις 22:00 που αρχίζει η απαγόρευση κυκλοφορίας και θα μπορούν να φύγουν μετά τις 5:00 που τελειώνει.  

Ο «Big Brother» του εμβολιασμού: Χώρα της Ε.Ε. θα καταγράφει τους αρνητές του εμβολίου

Η Ισπανία αποφάσισε χτες την τήρηση εθνικού αρχείου όπου θα καταγράφονται όσοι Ισπανοί αρνούνται να εμβολιασμούν. Έτσι, θα δημιουργηθεί μια νέα βάση δεδομένων η οποία πιθανώς να κοινωποιείται, εφόσον παραστεί ανάγκη, στα υπόλοιπα κράτη της Ε.Ε.   Τη Δευτέρα, ο Ισπανός υπουργός Υγείας Σαλβαδόρ Ιγια δήλωσε ότι στο νέο αρχείο θα καταγράφονται όλοι όσοι, για οποιονδήποτε λόγο, αρνούνται να εμβολιαστούν κατά του Covid19. «Θα τηρείται εθνικό αρχείο, που θα κοινοποιείται στους Ευρωπαίους εταίρους μας προκειμένου να γνωρίζουν σε ποιους προσφέρθηκε το εμβόλιο και το αρνήθηκαν», τόνισε ο Ισπανός αξιωματούχος σε συνέντευξή του στο τηλεοπτικό δίκτυο La Sexta. «Το αρχείο δεν πρόκειται να δημοσιοποιηθεί και η τήρησή του θα συνάδει με τη νομοθεσία για την προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων», εξήγησε. Μέχρι αργά χτες, η Ε.Ε. δεν είχε σχολιάσει την εξέλιξη. Ο εμβολιασμός για τον κορονοϊό, που δεν είναι υποχρεωτικός, ξεκίνησε στη χώρα της Ιβηρικής την Κυριακή κα...

Άποψη ΚΥΡ


Εκτός ελέγχου η κατάσταση στο Λονδίνο

Απελπιστικά δύσκολες στιγμές βιώνει η Βρετανία, η οποία πλήττεται ανεπανόρθωτα από το δεύτερο κύμα του Covid-19. Ο αριθμός των εισαγωγών στα νοσοκομεία έχει αυξηθεί δραματικά, αγγίζοντας σχεδόν τις 20.000, την ώρα που ασθενοφόρα σχηματίζουν ουρά στις εισόδους των κλινικών και οι γιατροί βρίσκονται αντιμέτωποι με το δίλημμα ποιος πρέπει να νοσηλευτεί και ποιος όχι, θυμίζοντας «σκηνές πολέμου». Αυτός άλλωστε είναι και ο βασικός λόγος για τον οποίο δόθηκε άμεση έγκριση στο εμβόλιο του Πανεπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης και της εταιρείας AstraZeneca, υπό τις ασφυκτικές πιέσεις που δέχεται το σύστημα υγείας της χώρας. Συγκεκριμένα, το τελευταίο 24ωρο καταγράφηκε ποσοστό πληρότητας 114% για τις εντατικές στο Λονδίνο, κάτι που σημαίνει ότι σε κάθε οκτώ άτομα που χρειάζονταν εντατική παρακολούθηση αντιστοιχούσαν επτά κρεβάτια. Ως αποτέλεσμα, οι υπεύθυνοι των εντατικών έχουν ζητήσ...

Η Λίντσεϊ Πέλας «ρίχνει» το Instagram και αποκαλύπτει τα μυστικά της τέλειας selfie!

Πολλές φορές μπορεί να έχετε αναρωτηθεί ποιος είναι ο τρόπος ώστε οι selfies σας να βγουν όσο δυνατόν πιο ωραίες και πιο ελκυστικές προς τους ακόλουθους σας.  Εκεί έρχεται το «εκρηκτικό» μοντέλο, Λίντσεϊ Πέλας για να μας μάθει όλα τα μυστικά του... επαγγέλματος. Σύμφωνα λοιπόν με την διάσημη infuencer ο νούμερο ένα κανόνας είναι ο καλός φωτισμός . Το να έχεις στραμμένο το βλέμμα σου προς την πηγή του φωτός είναι το πρώτο και βασικό βήμα. Κάθε άνθρωπος σύμφωνα με την κοπέλα έχει τις δικές του καλές λήψεις και γωνίες σε μια φωτογραφία. Αυτές πρέπει να τις βρει και να τις βελτιώσει στο μέγιστο ώστε να βγουν και τα επιθυμητά αποτελέσματα. 

Greek Bishop Dies from the Coronavirus in Thessaloniki

Greek Bishop Serapheim died on Tuesday after suffering from the coronavirus. Credit: AMNA Greek bishop Serapheim passed away after suffering from the coronavirus at a Thessaloniki hospital in the early hours of Tuesday. He was sixty-one years of age. Serapheim, the Metropolitan of the northern Greek city of Kastoria, was admitted to Thessaloniki’s 424 General Military Training Hospital with mild symptoms of the disease back on December 8. His condition started to deteriorate rapidly on December 20 and he had to be transferred to an ICU. Metropolitan Serapheim was ordained a bishop in 1996.

Google Maps Creator Moving to Greece to Start Hi-Tech Project

Google maps creator Lars Rasmussen on vacation in Patmos, Greece. Credit: Lars Rasmussen/Facebook Google Maps creator Lars Rasmussen has announced he is moving to Greece in January 2021 to create a new start-up enterprise. Rasmussen, of Danish origin, who is currently based in New York, says he is moving to Athens with his team to further develop a new project called Weav, described as the only running app that automatically keeps the music you hear in sync with your footsteps in real time. The tech maven’s move to Greece with his Greek wife, high-tech executive Elomida Visviki, is seen as an important development for the country, which has been trying to attract high-flying digital nomads and cutting-edge technology companies. Rasmussen had a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis by teleconference at the end of November. Shortly afterward, he made the announcement of his impending move, adding that he will be hiring local talent in the country. “Elomi...

Sotiris Tsiodras is Greece’s Person of the Year for 2020

Eminent Greek epidemiologist Dr. Sotiris Tsiodras, shown here getting his coronavirus vaccination, is Greece’s Person of the Year for 2020. Credit: AMNA Sotiris Tsiodras, the epidemiologist who took Greeks by the hand this year, informing them about Covid-19 and giving the sad daily tally of the virus on TV during the first wave of the pandemic, is Greece’s Person of the Year for 2020. During the first wave of the pandemic, Greeks were watching in horror how the new coronavirus was ravaging neighboring Italy, thankful that the virus had not spread closer to home. However, they were also thankful that Australian-born Dr. Sotiris Tsiodras, was the head of the committee of epidemiologists and doctors tasked with preventing the spread of the lethal disease in their own country. The epidemiologist who is like a father to all Greeks Tsiodras’ soothing, fatherly voice, his gentle demeanor and indisputable sincerity appeared to be equally important as his remarkable kno...

Coronavirus Vaccine Side-Effect was Mild, Says Greek Doctor with Allergic Reaction

Coronavirus vaccine side-effect was mild says doctor with allergic reaction. Credit: AMNA The coronavirus vaccine side-effect was mild, according to a 32-year female doctor who developed an allergic reaction yesterday after she was administered the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine in a Greek hospital. The doctor, who is an oncologist, was vaccinated on Monday at Attikon Hospital in Athens. The news of her allergic reaction caused alarm yesterday, as she was the first person to have reported an allergic reaction to the vaccination in Greece. So far, 471 people have been inoculated with the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19 in Greece. The doctor, speaking anonymously to MEGA Channel , said she developed tachycardia after the vaccination and was given antihistamines. She added, however, that she has no history of allergies. Nothing to worry about “There are many allergic reactions to many other medicines. Unfortunately, it happened to to me,” the oncologist said. She a...

Covid-19 Cases Jump to 1,047 in Greece on Tuesday

Credit: Greek Government A total of 1,047 cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in Greece on Tuesday, a staggering increase from the 571 new cases that had been recorded in the country on Monday. Tragically, 58 people with the virus passed away in the country over the past 24-hour-period, which is eight fewer than yesterday. Currently, 458 patients with Covid-19 are intubated in Greece, nine fewer than those who were intubated in the country on Monday. A large portion of Tuesday’s cases were diagnosed in the areas surrounding Greece’s two largest urban centers — Athens and Thessaloniki. In Attica, home to the capital city of Athens, there were 327 cases. In the center of Athens, 98 new coronavirus cases were diagnosed. A total of 197 new cases were recorded in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city. In total, 136,976 cases of Covid-19 have been recorded in the country since the beginning of the pandemic, including all those who have recovered from the virus. Of thi...

Greece Records First Allergic Reaction After Hundreds Vaccinated Against Covid-19

An allergic reaction was experienced by a person receiving the coronavirus vaccine on Monday in Greece. Credit: AMNA Coronavirus vaccine side effects happen only rarely; however, authorities recorded the first allergic reaction in Greece on Monday. So far 471 people have been vaccinated with the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19 in Greece. Health Ministry official Marios Themistokleous said that the allergic reaction has been “successfully dealt with.” A vaccination campaign is underway in five Athens hospitals and four more will join the inoculation plan in the cities of Thessaloniki, Larissa, Ioannina, and Patras. Hundreds of thousands of doses Greece received 83,800 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on Tuesday and more deliveries are expected every week. Authorities say that 419,250 doses will be delivered to the country by the end of January and another 333,450 doses will arrive by the end of February. By the end of March, Greece will have received 1,25...



Άποψη Κ Μητρόπουλου


Άποψη Κ Μητρόπουλου


Άποψη ΚΥΡ


Χρησιμοποιείτε το Zoom; Κι αυτό συστήνει εσάς στο ΚΚΚ!

Όλα τα δεδομένα σας βρίσκονται στην διάθεση του ΚΚ Κίνας. Όπως αποκαλύπτουν οι Αμερικανικές αρχές, η εταιρεία προμηθεύει με όλα δεδομένα σας στην Κινεζικές αρχές.  Τα δεδομένα σας είναι, τι Likes σας που δώσατε και παραλάβατε, την ιστορία της χρήσης σας από τους browsers, τι σελίδες επισκεφτήκατε, την κίνηση των τραπεζικών σας λογαριασμών, τα ιατρικά σας αρχεία. Η Κίνα το έχει σκοπό όπως το δήλωσε πρόσφατα ο πρόεδρος της να είναι μέχρι το 2028 η πρώτη παγκόσμια δύναμη. Τα κέρδη της Zoom μέσα στο 2020 πολλαπλασιάστηκαν 3000% φτάνοντας τα 777 εκ σε ένα κύκλο εργασιών 2.500 δις δολαρίων από τα περίπου 400 εκ που ήταν το 2019. Η συνάρτηση Κίνα, κορωναϊός και lockdown δείχνει την εξίσωση ποιος πλουτίζει από την φυλάκιση ενός ολόκληρου πλανήτη.





Greek Priest Expels Mask-less Churchgoers

Credit: YouTube A Greek priest expelled several faithful who were not wearing masks from the church of  Agios Nikolaos in Flario, Kalamata, during a liturgy on Christmas Day. “Play objector in your home, not here,” were the caustic words of the priest who interrupted the Divine Liturgy to warn the people who were not complying with the Covid-19 measures imposed on the nation. After hearing objections from those who refused to comply, the priest then said: “We will not start a dialogue. Those who do not wear a mask should leave. Respect your fellow human beings and the law.” The video of the Flario priest quickly went viral on Greek social media. Limited number of faithful in churches The current measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in churches are strict, making this year’s Christmas holiday the most unique in recent decades. First of all, churches will be open only three days during lockdown: For Divine Liturgy on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and ...

London to Athens Flight Makes Emergency Landing after Co-Pilot Falls Unconscious

  Credit: Greek Reporter A British Airways flight from London to Athens was forced to make an emergency landing in Zurich on Saturday after the co-pilot fell unconscious at his controls. Passengers arrived in the Greek capital nearly nine hours after they departed from London. The flight from London’s Heathrow Airport to Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport usually has a duration of just over three and a half hours. The flight was forced to ground in Zurich after the co-pilot complained of feeling ill while the aircraft was hovering over the city of Zagreb, Croatia, with just over an hour of the flight left to go. At the time, the pilot decided to return to Heathrow in London, a two-and-a-half hour trip, rather than continue the flight to Athens. Soon after, his co-pilot passed out completely. Considering the severity of the situation, the pilot decided make an emergency landing in Zurich so that his ill colleague could receive the necessary medical t...

Work from a Greek Villa for Free for a Month

Credit: Stock photo A lucky pair looking to work remotely from a luxury villa on the stunning Greek island of Corfu will win the chance to live their dream for free for one entire month from the company CV Villas . The competition, free for anyone to enter, is perfect for those looking to take virtual meetings poolside and transform the breathtaking island of Corfu into their own office. Applicants will be judged based on their answers as to why they need a change in office location, and CV Villas will cover the cost of flights to Corfu from Gatwick Airport in the UK. In addition to high-speed wifi, a must for working from home, the villa is also appointed with a luxurious private pool, hot tub, and a lovely yard, which all combine to make for the perfect office environment in the sunshine of Greece. Just a short walk away from the nearest beach, the lucky winners of the contest will be able to escape from the virtual world and take a dip in the island’s crystalline ...

Lonely Greek Parents Share Christmas Table with Childrens’ Portraits

Credit: Dimitris Kletsas/Facebook A Greek couple who were forced to spend Christmas alone due to the coronavirus lockdown made the best out of an awful situation by creating life-size portraits of their children to accompany them at the family table this year. Dimitris and Tassoula Kletsas, from the town of Larissa, in central Greece, were among many Greek parents who sadly had to do without the presence of their loved ones during Christmas this year. Tassoula Kletsas posing amongst the portraits of her loved ones on Christmas Day. Credit: Dimitris Kletsas/Facebook Kletsas, who is an amateur painter, decided that creating a portrait of each of his sons and their wives could go at least a little way toward substituting for their physical presence during this very difficult Christmas of 2020. Six place settings had been carefully laid on the table which was appropriately decorated in red, green and white for the festive occasion. Speaking to Proto Thema , Kletsas sai...

Greece Prioritizes Reopening Schools; 476 New Cases, 66 Deaths Announced

Credit: Greek Government In a press conference on Monday, Greek Government Spokesman Stelios Petsas stated that country’s top priority after the end of the lockdown is to open schools safely. Greece has been under a strict nationwide lockdown, set to end on January 7, since early in November. Petsas stated on Monday that officials are hoping to reopen schools the same week that the lockdown ends, while of course taking all necessary anti-virus precautions. Although schools initially remained open under lockdown, they closed in mid-November due to spikes in the number of coronavirus cases. While he said all societies and economies around the world were “tested” in 2020 by the Covid-19 pandemic, Petsas argued that Greece has handled the unprecedented crisis very well compared to its European neighbors. “ Our lives changed and our country suffered the repercussions of the pandemic, but both during the first wave and the second, we have done comparatively better than m...

Greece Extends Territorial Waters Westwards

The Greek flag atop of the Acropolis. Credit: Martin Lopatka/Wikimedia commons Greece territorial waters will be extended further in the Ionian Sea the Greek authorities announced on Sunday with the publication of the presidential decree on the closing of bays and drawing of straight baselines in the western maritime area. The decree affects the maritime area of the Ionian and the Ionian islands up to Cape Tainaro in the Peloponnese. In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said the decree was issued pursuant to the law ratifying the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. It adds that it is “a necessary step in the process for extending the country’s territorial waters in the above-mentioned area, an action which is, on the basis of the Convention, our country’s inalienable right.” The decree, according to the Foreign Ministry, “highlights that Greece reserves the right – as deriving from the Convention on the Law of the Sea, which reflects international customary law...

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